Tuesday, October 27, 2015

What is our purpose?

The So many of us search for our purpose, the reason we're alive. Why we are living, breathing, our destiny; the meaning of our life. In doing so, I think we make a few mistakes.

First, I believe we encounter our purpose daily, whether we recognize it or not. We expect our purpose to be this grand "ah ha" breathtaking life driving force. However I honestly believe, that is only the case on rare occasions.

Our second big mistakes is our narrow vision. We expect our purpose to be one single mission. From birth on, our life passes through many seasons: childhood, adulthood, careers, marriage, parenthood etc. So many changes are encountered. Doesn't it only make sense that our purpose(s) may change with each season? The purpose of a child might be to save a depressed parent, giving them the will to greet each new day. Also, don't confuse your purpose with your career. Your purpose isn't necessarily the daily tasks you complete that earn you a salary. Your purpose may be found in the clients you help or the coworker you befriend. Your purpose may be to love and support your spouse, or nurture your children. As your life changes, you change, and so does your purpose.

Yes, perhaps there is one monumental deed that occurs in your life, a life saved, the world changed; but to think that was the sole purpose for which you were created...I think that is to short change our creator.

We are not all called to change the world, but we are all called to change lives.

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