Recently, I started longing for more than just having faith and offering up of prayers. I craved a true relationship with our magnificent creator. I began to feel a strong urge to read the bible. How else can I truly create a relationship with God without knowing his story? I'm not sure I can truly explain it other than feeling the need to build a true deeper relationship with the lord through reading his word.
Reading the New Testament came easy. It's messages and verses are so beautiful and uplifting. Generally, I can easily connect to the New Testament and don't struggle to mediate on it, or receive a deep meaningful connection with what is written.
Then, I started reading the Old Testament. Yikes. I found it depressing and confusing. With wars, sacrifices, and burnt offerings, I became a little discouraged. I found a great article (I so wish I remember the source, I'll add it if I can find it), confirming its okay if you cannot always connect with the bible and if every reading doesn't offer you those beautiful butterflies fluttering in your soul. So I forged forward with the bible reading plan I had picked via an app called: She Reads Truth (I highly recommend it).
I've been reading all about Samul, Saul, and David (1 Samuel and 2 Samuel specifically). Let's focus on David, because that's where my realizations occurred.
First, he was a heroine; strong, brave, and obedient. Then after many years and many wars, he took multiple wives and repeatedly, bluntly failed to obey God. I became angry with David, and God was too as David was often punished. Why did God still love and bother to offer him so many chances? Surely, I would have given up on him and found someone else qualified to carry out my will. This is when I realized the Old Testament was laying the foundation for Jesus' entrance. It was teaching me how merciful and graceful our God is. How truly unconditional his love is. How badly and relentlessly he seeks our hearts. Wow.
Again, as I was reading I came across a verse where God "spoke" to David as he often does. Seeking discernment in my own life, I laughed aloud, " ha, how awesome would it be if God would literally speak to me in a loud booming voice." Imagine, a great light shines and voice of great authotity opens up and commands the vision of his will for my life. Incredible right? Like a brick wall it hit me. God had to speak directly to David. This was before Christ had come to earth to grant us the blessing of the Holy Spirit. The famines and diseases David was punished with were before God had sent us his own son, Jesus Christ, whom died to free us from the sins of our disobedience; to purchase for us eternal salvation. A salvation that is not earned by you or I, but that is granted out of Gods sheer mercy and love, and Jesus' ultimate sacrafice.
Reading the Bible isn't always beautiful. Some days I cannot see Gods message for me no matter how hard I stretch and strain. But, the greatest blessings are found through patience and perservernce. Keep reaching and God will "rewards those who diligently seek him"-Hebrews 11:6.
Luke 8:15 As for that in the good soil, they are those who, hearing the word, hold it fast in an honest and good heart, and bear fruit with patience.
Hebrews 6:12 so that you may not be sluggish, but imitators of those who through faith and patience inherit the promises.
James 1:12 Blessed is the man who remains steadfast under trail, for when he has stood test he will receive the crown of life which God has promised to those who love him.
Galatians 6:19 And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up.
Galatians 6:19 And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up.
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